The Secret To Being A Good Parent

Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him. – Psalm 127:3

I have never understood how parents could take their children for granted. 

Our children are an incredible blessing. They are a gift and not a burden.

Is parenting hard? Yes! 

Do you have to make sacrifices as a parent? Yes! 

Are kids a lot of work? Yes! And I would be as bold enough to say that raising each one is a full-time job in and of itself.

Our kids are not a possession. In fact, our children belong to God, not ourselves, and He has entrusted us with the job of loving them, caring for them, treasuring them, and training them up to love Him and be difference makers in this world. 

Just like we don’t have to earn God’s love, our kids should not have to earn ours. Just like we don’t have to do anything for God to spend time with us, our children shouldn’t have to either. Not spending time with your child until they get their chores done, their attitude “right,” or until you “feel like it,” is outright selfish. (I get being tired after work, etc., and need to rest a bit first – that’s not what I’m talking about.) 

Your child’s moods and feelings shouldn’t control a family. However, they do deserve to have a voice. They should be allowed to express their feelings and ask questions about things in a healthy way. Especially when it comes to big changes or decisions. This teaches healthy communication and builds their confidence. It’s the same way with God. We can talk to Him about how we feel and ask questions when we don’t understand what He’s doing in our life. Instead of responding with “stop complaining,” or “because I said so,” He gives us answers and gently corrects our attitude when needed.

When you shut your child out, make them feel like they’re not important, ignore their feelings, or make them earn your time, attention and love, you can’t expect to have happy, healthy, and “easy” child. And in the long run, you will end up wondering why they don’t talk to you or come around when they’re adults. Bottom line: treat your children like God treats you. Love them and treasure them like He loves you. Have the same patience, care, and concern for them that He has for you. Love unconditionally – don’t just say you do. 

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