To Those Fighting A Battle

Dear Friend,

If you are facing a battle today, I want you to know that you are not alone. The reality is we all face battles. It’s just a part of living in a fallen world. However, if you are a believer (you’ve given your heart to God) you have a leg up. Here are a few reasons why:

1. You have a Father who fights for you and with you. He promises that He is working all things together for your good because you love Him. (Romans 8:28) 

2. Not only that, but you are also an overcomer. 1 John 5:4 tells us, “For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith.”

3. No weapon formed against you shall prosper. (Isaiah 54:17)

Knowing these truths gives me hope and confidence to face whatever comes my way. 

Let me share with you how I get victory in the darkest of battles. 

– I don’t ask, “Why me?” I ask, “Who do you want to be for me in this God?”

– I don’t just pray. I listen. Prayer should be a two-way conversation. It’s in those quiet moments after you ask God for direction or encouragement that He gives it to you.

– I stand on the Word and its promises. I get into scripture. I meditate on it. I pray it over myself and the situation I’m facing. I SPEAK IT and declare it out loud. This act of faith activates God to move and makes the enemy flee.

– I don’t look at what the enemy is doing. I look at Jesus. I don’t glorify the enemy by constantly talking about the problem. I don’t let it consume me. I let the TRUTH consume me. (Yes, this takes practice but it is important to learn.)

– I thank God. I thank Him for the victory before I even see it. I thank Him for the blessing that I will receive on the other side of the battle. I thank Him that all of His plans for me are good.

– I sing and worship Him. Worship is an underused weapon but it can bring breakthrough!

– Rest. Yes, rest. There are times when all God tells me to do is rest (or be quiet) and He will fight for me. He will handle it. It’s in these times that we really learn that we cannot fix things or win in our own strength. So, don’t try. Just let Him do His thing and only speak or move when told to.

– Keep a heavenly perspective.

– Remember that God’s timing is perfect.

These things are completely opposite of what our flesh wants to do in the natural but that’s just how God is and works, isn’t it? However, this is how we can still have joy and even peace in the battle! And these are times that God is calling out the warrior in you.

Friend, I encourage you to use these “weapons of warfare.” Satan doesn’t want you to know about them. He doesn’t want you tapping into your power in Christ because he knows he’ll be defeated. 

Whatever battle you are facing today; remember you are not alone. God is with you. Talk to Him. Look to Him. He will guide you. Never forget you have the victory. You are an overcomer!


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