So, it’s the beginning of a new year and if you’re like most people you’re setting goals and making plans for year. Maybe you’re making plans to go on a vacation this year, or for a new baby, or maybe you’re planning on moving or making a career change. All of those things are great! However, I want to tell you a plan that I made years ago that really changed my life: I started planning time with God.
Life was busy. I was running my business, 31 Mugs, and homeschooling my two boys and I didn’t always make spending time with God a priority. But I longed for that time because I knew I really needed it. So I made a commitment to read my Bible and pray every morning. I also started journaling during my quiet time with God because as I read and prayed God would give me answers I was looking for, guidance, and instruction. The more I did this the more I learned to recognize God in my life throughout the day. I learned to recognize His voice* and the ways He speaks to me.
Spending time with God everyday grew my faith and my confidence too. I began to realize how much He loves me so it became easier to resist the lies about myself Satan would relentlessly try to feed me. I learned how to conquer him and cast down his tactics. Which also caused me to grow in my authority as a daughter of God.
Years later, I am even more committed to my time with the Lord. I even get up at 5 A.M. now (which is a miracle in and of itself lol) so I can have that precious time with the Lord. And really, God calls us our friend so shouldn’t we make time for Him? How else do you get to know a new friend better than by spending time with them?
I encourage you to find time to spend with God every day. Even if you must schedule it in. It’s so worth it and I promise you 2023 will be even better!
For more about recognizing God’s voice, watch this.