
Life Hack For Planning Your Day

I am a planner! On mornings like this morning when I open my planner and see a blank page I feel a sense of panic! Sometimes I don’t get to write my plans out in the evening for the next day. Doing so helps me 1) be prepared for the next day and 2) gets all of the “to dos” out of my brain so I can fall asleep faster!

The Bible says, “The mind of a person plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.” (Proverbs 16:9 NASB) 

I think most of us know this but a lot of people don’t remember this when it comes to their day to day life. With a toddler, high schooler, business and household to run I am busy! But I take great comfort in knowing that God cares about every little aspect of my everyday life. Even the things that are routine or mundane. 

One of the biggest #LifeHacks I’ve learned is to commit my day to God and ask Him that I get accomplished what He wants me to get accomplished for the day. At the end of the day if there’s anything leftover on my list of plans, I know it’s okay. 

Let God be your “daily planner.” Partner with Him and you will trade stress for peace! 

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