Why Some People Love Drama

Just some thoughts as I jumped around in Proverbs this morning:

I’m not sure why people actually CHOOSE to stir up strife; choose to stir up hate and drama. Peace is so much better! Don’t you think? I think people choose to stir up drama and slander others, and plot against others because they are really broken on the inside. They may get a sense of satisfaction from it but it’s short lived, so they do it some more. But like an addiction, they have to say more and more hateful things, tell bigger lies, and plot bigger schemes, in order to get that “high.” Just like a person addicted to alcohol, drugs, porn, etc., they need an intervention- a Holy intervention. 

At some point we’ve all been hurt and tried to seek revenge and hurt the other person back. But if you are wise, you realize that’s not the way to go. You realize the satisfaction of payback is short lived and most of us mature past that mentality. 

Proverbs warns repeatedly of the consequences and curses of stirring up strife, slandering, being hateful, etc. It also lays out the blessings for choosing peace, holding your tongue, using your words wisely, and not seeking revenge. 

So, what do you want to choose when someone tries to stir up strife with you? Curses or blessing? I’ll take the blessings and move along! 

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