Several times I have said that this year has felt like a rollercoaster. But the other day, God reminded me that I am not supposed to live like I’m on a roller coaster. As the daughter of the King, I am to always be at peace and on an even keel, no matter the circumstance. He is in control. He knows the beginning and the end. Because of this and because he goes before me, behind me and walks beside me I have no reason for fear worry anger sadness or anxiety when I face trials. I am always to live a life of joy. In fact, the Bible says in James 1:2-4 to consider it pure joy when you face trials of many kinds. Where do I get this joy when life just doesn’t seem joyful and why should you even bother being joyful during those times? Well, Nehemiah 8:10 says “the joy of the Lord is my strength.” Where do I get my strength? The joy of the Lord. The Lord’s joy gives me strength. Yes, even in times of uncertainty or when we face trials, in every circumstance we can have the Lord’s joy!

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