I hope you’ve had a wonderful holiday season. I just want to take a moment to wish you a Happy New Year!
It’s the time of year when people reflect on the past year and evaluate their wins and areas they need to grow in.
If you crushed goals, grew in your relationship with Lord, or feel you’ve “leveled up” in any way in 2023: Congratulations! I am happy for you! However, if you feel like you are in no better place than you were in 2022 because you didn’t achieve any goals or experience any growth, that’s okay. If you’re ready for 2024 to be a more fruitful year but don’t know how to get started I encourage you to ask the Lord one simple question, “What do you want for me this year?” Listen. Write His answer. Meditate on it. What does it look like? Then make a plan to accomplish it.
For more encouragement, watch my New Year video from last year here. I’ve Also, make sure you’re subscribed to my YouTube channel and click the little bell so you won’t miss my three new videos with some of my top tips for making this year one of your best!
Lastly, I want to say thank you for being a subscriber to “To Joni With Love.” God gave me the desire to start this blog to encourage others in their faith and to share His love so that they can experience the same freedom in Him that I have.
Have a blessed 2024! I pray you will grow in faith, that God shows you unprecedented favor, and that your light grows brighter.