How God Uses the Crazy Things

So many times, in our walk with God He asks us to do things that don’t make a lot of sense to us; crazy almost. Or it seems so out of the blue for us to do. This is often true when it comes to dreams or callings He has put in our heart. 

That was the case back in 2018. See, a few years earlier God made it clear to me that I was going to write a book one day. At the time I had no idea why or what it would be about. Then in 2018 God asked me to share one way that He loves us on Instagram every day for the month of February. At first, I thought, “Ummmm…okay.” I thought it was kind of weird but then I thought, “Okay, that’ll be easy!” Wow was I wrong. I knew He loved us but when it came to giving twenty-eight specific examples with scripture to back them, I had to dig into the Bible.

During those twenty-eight days, as I was reminded of specific things that God does to show His love to me and it made me love Him more. I could give you examples all day long about things He has done for me to show me loves me but to focus on His love through His Word deeply mistered to my spirit and strengthened my faith.

When the twenty-eight days of February were over God said, “There’s your first book!” “Huh?” was my surprised response. He told me that what I shared could be compiled and made into a devotional. Well, long story short I ended up writing and self-publishing 28 Days of Love almost two years later.

What seemed like a silly, small thing that God asked me to do actually ended up being the small step of obedience to accomplishing a bigger purpose and fulfilling a dream and calling He had put into my heart years earlier.

I share this to tell you that if you have dreams and a calling God put on your heart, but you don’t know how they will happen, remember: be obedient in the small things God asks you to do because they often lead to accomplishing the big things. Nothing He asks us to do is insignificant. Things often seem to take longer than we expect or want them to. But the truth is, those small acts of obedience are building blocks to accomplishing the bigger calling.

Be blessed! Be loved!


You can check out my book here: 28 Days of Love

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