One Day At a Time

About a year ago I was feeling really overwhelmed. Overwhelmed with daily life, working on the things God’s called me to do, and I was especially overwhelmed by the crazy things going on in our country and around the world. Anxiety was starting to get a foothold in my life. 

One day when I was crying to God about how overwhelmed I felt and confessing my anxiety, He simply said, “Take it one day at a time.” I remember just sort of freezing. It was such a simple solution. (In fact, it’s one my husband had given me a few times already.) I said, “Oookay, Lord.” Then He led me to a verse I was already very familiar with but clearly needed to put into practice: 

“Therefore, do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.” – Matthew 6:34

“Sufficient for the day is its own trouble” is what really jumped off the page at me. So, the Bible actually tells us to focus on today, not tomorrow. All we need to handle is today, itself. 

So, what does this mean for our everyday lives? The answer lies in the previous verse:

“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” – Matthew 6:33

We should seek the kingdom of God every morning. What promises does the Bible hold for the issue your facing? Who does God want to be for you in the situation? What does He want you to do that day regarding that issue? Ask Him to direct your steps and give you wisdom for every issue you are facing. The problem won’t be solved in one day but eventually you’ll see how God was giving you wisdom along the way to reach the answer and solution to your prayer and problem. 

When it comes to the larger, national or world issues (wars, corruption, natural disasters, etc.) God will give you wisdom on how to pray about those things or what actions you can take on a micro level. For example, he can direct you about what you need to do to be prepared for a natural disaster. He may have you get involved in local politics by going to city council meetings or helping others get elected. He may have you lead a small Bible study with people in your neighborhood or start a prayer group that prays specifically for our country. The possibilities are endless with God, but He will give you direction when it comes to the things that worry you. 

Taking things one day at a time can be very challenging at first. However, the more I practice it, the easier it gets. The enemy will do everything he can to keep me in anxiety and feeling overwhelmed but when I seek God first it is easier for me to quickly overcome him. This one sentence directive from God may be hard to get in the habit of doing but its purpose is important and powerful and that is to keep our eyes on Him.

Be Blessed and Live Free!

Here is more on taking it one day at a time: 

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