Proverbs 3: Day 1

First, as I talked about in my last “He Brews Coffee Talk”, my schedule has been off and I haven’t been getting my Bible reading in before my son wakes up like I normally do. But today I went ahead and tried reading my Bible while he was up and this is what that looked like…until I got my highlighters out! Then it was a whole different story! 

Okay, so like I said during He Brews, I would share something each day about what I read out of Proverbs 3. So here goes!

Today I read to verse 8 but really took time to hone in on the first two verses:

“My son, do not forget my teaching, but let your heart keep my commandments, for length of days and years of life and peace they will add to you.”

And here is what really struck me:

1. Mankind is always chasing after youth. We want to feel good and be healthy enough to live for a long time. But the answer to that has always been right under our noses, here in the Bible: Reading the Word! Reading the Word is how we learn what God’s teachings and commandments are and He promises us that if we keep them years will be added to our lives. And not just years, but peace as well. To have not just a long life but a peaceful, long life sounds good to me! What about you?

His Word is our manna. It’s our nourishment and it has the best benefits ever! We live in a world full of people whose spirits are “sick” and broken. They’re malnourished. Even Believers. Oh, if we only took the time to feats on the Word everyday imagine how different our world would be. 

If feasting on the Word is something you want, go for it! You can start with breadcrumbs if you need to. That’s what we’re doing here, by committing to reading, just one chapter out of the Bible, Proverbs 3 this week.

Be blessed and live free! 

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