Proverbs 3: Day 2

Today I meditated on verses three and four. First, by reading the notes in my Bible I learned that God describes Himself as “steadfast love and faithfulness” in when he is alone on Mt. Sinai. You can read about it in Exodus 34.

Verse three tells us to not forsake steadfast love and faithfulness and to bind them around our neck and write them on our heart. This means to keep them close to us. When I read “write them on the tablet of your heart” I immediately think of memorizing scripture and “hiding it in my heart that I might not sin against You (Psalm 119:11).” However, when I reflect not that instruction some more, it is speaking to me to love the Word and let it transform me.

Verse four tells us the benefit of obeying verse three is having favor with God and man. Why would this give us favor with God and man? Well, I believe it’s because when we keep such things close to us and practice them, we will naturally begin to produce the Fruits of The Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. God blesses as we transform more into his likeness. And when it comes to man, displaying such attributes will naturally bring us favor as opposed to people who are hateful, untrustworthy, angry, etc. Especially in a time when the Fruits of the Spirit seem more like a rarity. 

What are your thoughts?

If you’re reading Proverbs 3 this week, what verses did you read? Comment below! 

P.S. Yesterday, I actually got to read my Bible before my little woke up! When that happens, my adoring husband always brings me coffee – just an added bonus!

*Also, I love my Women’s Study Bible! You can check it out here:

Be blessed and live free!

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