This morning I read verses five through twelve. I felt lead to talk about verses five through eight, however because it made me think, “How much turmoil and heartbreak could we save ourselves if we always followed these instructions?!”
Verse five says to not lean on our own understanding. Why would we not want to lean on our understanding and trust in God? Especially when everything in the natural, what we can see, looks hopeless? Because God’s ways are higher than ours!
“8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. 9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” – Isaiah 55: 8-9
He knows better. He sees everything! He knows His plan. We don’t see the whole picture so we should trust the One who does.
To me, to acknowledge Him is to consult Him and look to Him for direction and guidance. Even when it comes to the most insignificant seeming decisions. Essentially, make Him the CEO of my life. To be “wise in your own eyes” is to do whatever you want without consulting God. Or even doing what you want instead of what He directs you to do. That, my friend, is straight up rebellion! And we all know, rebellion is sin and evil. But verse eight tells us that when we turn away from evil, we will experience healing and refreshment in our body.
So, trusting God and looking to Him for guidance and actually DOING what He calls us to do and not what we want to do will keep us on the path that He has called us too and is even good for us, physically, spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. We have peace knowing that God is taking care of us, even when it looks like things aren’t working out in the natural.
What are your thoughts on this passage?