This morning as I read Proverbs 3 I took note of the benefits of wisdom but just focusing on verses 13-25. Here is a quick list of the treasury of benefits I took note of:
1). You will be blessed.
2) What you gain from having wisdom is more valuable than silver and gold and more precious than jewels. It’s so valuable that there is nothing you can desire that is greater than wisdom!
3) Long life
4) Riches and honor
5) Your paths will be pleasant and peaceful.
6) The benefits of the Tree of Life. Which are all the resources to help you walk with God and receive His blessings.
7) Life for your soul.
8) You’ll walk securely and not stumble.
9) No fear and sweet sleep when you lie down.
10) Safety when “sudden terror and ruin of the wicked come.” God will be your confidence. You won’t have to fear.
Such wonderful treasures to possess!
I’ve found, personally, as I’ve grown closer to God, I’ve naturally developed more of a desire to obtain wisdom from Him instead of going about things in my own way and making decisions according to my flesh – how I feel or what I think. Have I mastered this? No. However, I can tell you as you seek His wisdom more and more, the less and less you want to operate in your own.
Something interesting I want to share is a note in my Bible about verse 19, which says:
“The Lord by wisdom founded the earth; by understanding he established the heavens;”
My *Bible notes that “God has built the principles of wisdom into the way the world works.” So, to me it seems like having wisdom would give us an even greater advantage as to, not just understanding how the world works, but how to operate in it.
If you haven’t read Proverbs 3:13-26 yet, I implore you to do so! It’s a short guide to helping us avoid unnecessary difficulties as well as how to receive a treasure trove of the wisdom’s benefits.