Proverbs 3: Day 6

This morning I ended my reading of Proverbs chapter 3 with verses 33-35, wrapping up the chapter but also the passage of the chapter about treating others fairly. These three last verses of the chapter are pretty straight forward.

The Lord curses the house of the wicked but blesses the house of the righteous.

The Lord returns scornfulness to those who are scornful.

The inheritance of the wise is honor but fools get disgrace.

In all, I really enjoyed reading this chapter this week. I feel like the three themes of this book are a few of the foundations of our faith and growth with God. It’s always good to take a look at certain elements of our faith that we tend to take for granted.

For those of you who have been reading Proverbs 3 this week, what are your thoughts or insights on these last three verses of the chapter? What was your favorite verse from this chapter?

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