Reality Check

There’s something you need to if you’re going to follow Christ. Maybe someone has already told you. Maybe you figured it out on your own. However, just in case you don’t know, I’m going to tell you: It’s not about you. 

When you give your life to God, life becomes about Him. It becomes about seeking HIM first. It becomes about being transformed into HIS image. It becomes about, not only putting Him first, but others. It’s not about our feelings anymore. It’s not about our plans. It’s not about our justice or our scale of right and wrong and who we deem worthy of love, forgiveness, or joy. It’s not about us.

The thing is, God is going to call you to do things that are uncomfortable. He’s going to ask you to do things that take you outside of your comfort zone. You’re definitely going to have to turn the other cheek, forgive people who you don’t believe deserve or haven’t even apologized. You’re going to have to do things that go against the world’s logic. But here’s the key to doing it:

Get over yourself.

How do you do that? Focus on God! Focus on His Word. Seek Him first. He gives us the wisdom and His strength to “die to our flesh” and bring us to the point where we just don’t care about what other people think of us because our desire to please God is more important than pleasing man or our own ego.

I know this may come across as harsh, however, I write it with love.

Be Blessed and Live Free,

Joni <3

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